
Building the smallest elf program

In this post we will have fun trying to create the smallest possible 64 bits Linux program (ELF binary) that simply outputs “Hello world!” when it is executed. The idea here is to understand the compilation process, linking, how loader works, how ELF file format is structured, and so on. State of the art So let’s simply create a program

Develop a kernel module in Linux

We have seen previously how to develop and integrate a system call into the Linux kernel. Now we are going to look at how to develop another form of code execution in ring 0 (kernel-land): the Linux kernel module system. We will see how to develop a kernel module and in addition, we will see how to dynamically intereract with

Develop a system call in Linux

In this post we will we will see how to develop a system call by: In other terms: we will add our own system call to the Linux kernel. 1. Prerequisites If you want to follow the development and test by yourself, there are a few prerequisites. 2. Preparing the field Before starting to develop our system call, we will

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